Want to buy a plant online, but worried that you may not get exactly what you want? We completely understand! That is why we are now offering video call appointments. Pick out the exact plant you want before we ship it!

This is a service we offer free of charge.

How Does It Work?

1. Book an video chat appointment through our site (form below) or through Facebook The Snobby Leaf. If you are unable to use Facebook’s video chat, don’t worry. We can also set up a call through Google Meet or Zoom. We will reach out via email to set up the live face chat at the scheduled time.

2. Pick out your plant(s) from our greenhouse during our video chat. We will hold the plant(s) you selected for a limited time as you place your order here, online at https://thesnobbyleaf.com (our website). After your order is confirmed, the exact plant(s) you picked will be shipped to you.

We look forward to meeting you!

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